Biomass energy provides basic energy
requirements for space heating, power generation
and cooking and heating of rural and urban
households' particularly in developing countries. It
is the primary fuel for cooking close to 2.5 billion
people, or 52 % of the population in developing
countries [2]. Over half of these people live in
India, China and Indonesia. Nevertheless, the
proportion of the population relying on biomass is
highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Without new
policies, the number of people that rely on
biomass fuels is expected to increase 2.6 billion
by 2015, and 2.7 billion by 2030 due to population
growth [3].In Ethiopia, biomass fuels had
accounted for 94 % from the total final energy
consumption (77 % from fuel wood and charcoal
while another 17 % consisted of agricultural
residues); only roughly 5 % was met by modern
energy sources such as petroleum and only 1%
of the population utilized electricity for
cooking [4].