The 100 m resolution map of soil loss in the Europe Union based on the year 2010 and its input layers are available from the online European Soil Data Centre (http://esdac.jrc. The issue of data availability is important both for decision makers and modellers in various environmental domains such as agricultural production, food security, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, ecosystem services and water management. However, it is better not to take decisions at pixel level (100 m resolution) where it is recommended to use local measurements. It should also be pointed out that the soil loss rates presented in this paper are long-term averages and should not be compared with event-based observations, given the large seasonal variability of the R- and C-factors. Moreover, users should take into account the fact that an additional model component is needed to predict sediment yields from catchment areas. The future development of RUSLE2015 will include the temporal distribution of soil loss and a sedimentation module.