Good morning everyone. I'm going to present my essay composition.
The topic of my essay is about The Quality of Life of Older Person in Chiang Rai Province.
So, let's begin.
The Quality of Life of Older Person in Chiang Rai Province objectives were: (1) to study the personal, social and economic factors of the older person in Chiang Rai (2) to synthesize the direct and indirect factors that influenced on the quality of life of the older person in Chiang Rai (3) to compare the quality of life factors of the older person in Chiang Rai in two groups, older person who grow non-organic rice, and older person who grow organic rice.
The samples consisted of rice older person in Chiang Rai Province which were non-organic and organic rice older person. The instrument used to collect data was an interview. The data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Path analysis were also used in the statistical analysis. For the analysis of qualitative data, the content analysis was synthesized from the documentations, group meeting and scholars.
The direct and indirect effects found in this research could derive a model to encourage older person in Chiang Rai for the better quality of life. For non-organic rice older person, the Family factor was the most direct influenced on quality of life. There were also Social , Economic and Health factors which were indirectly influenced on quality of life of the older person who grew non-organic rice. For the older person who grew organic rice, not only the direct Network factor but also Health factors , Participation , Local wisdom , Economic and the Social and Environmental factors which were indirectly factors influenced on the quality of life. All of the factors encouraged the older person to attain their quality of life as in the Buddhist mid-path, as well as change their mind set toward alternative organic agriculture and remedy the tradition, community and environment to sustainability.
OK, this is the end of my essay presentation. Thank you for your attention.
Do you have any question ?
Kajay Laosunthara
ID 599998004