There are many reports on the negative effects of increasing
day/night temperature on the fresh weight and size of
strawberry fruits (Went, 1957; Miura et al., 1994; Mori,
1998; Wang and Camp, 2000). In this study, ‘Nyoho’ and
‘Toyonoka’ fruits showed a significant decrease in fresh weight
at 30/25 8C in all fruit positions (Table 4) compared with fruits
from the 23/18 8C treatment. Noguchi and Yamakawa (1988)
compared the fresh weight of seven strawberry cultivars grown
under high temperature conditions during summer in open
fields. They found a negative correlation between air
temperature and fresh weight of fruits in each cultivar, but
recommended ‘Toyonoka’ and ‘Hinomine’ as cultivars producing
high yield in the summer. However, the maximum and
minimum temperatures during the flowering period were only
27 8C and 14 8C in their experiment, respectively, and this
temperature regime is probably still within the optimum range
for the two cultivars. At much higher day/night temperatures
such as 30/25 8C, temperature would probably have more
adverse effects on these strawberry cultivars.
There are many reports on the negative effects of increasingday/night temperature on the fresh weight and size ofstrawberry fruits (Went, 1957; Miura et al., 1994; Mori,1998; Wang and Camp, 2000). In this study, ‘Nyoho’ and‘Toyonoka’ fruits showed a significant decrease in fresh weightat 30/25 8C in all fruit positions (Table 4) compared with fruitsfrom the 23/18 8C treatment. Noguchi and Yamakawa (1988)compared the fresh weight of seven strawberry cultivars grownunder high temperature conditions during summer in openfields. They found a negative correlation between airtemperature and fresh weight of fruits in each cultivar, butrecommended ‘Toyonoka’ and ‘Hinomine’ as cultivars producinghigh yield in the summer. However, the maximum andminimum temperatures during the flowering period were only27 8C and 14 8C in their experiment, respectively, and thistemperature regime is probably still within the optimum rangefor the two cultivars. At much higher day/night temperaturessuch as 30/25 8C, temperature would probably have moreadverse effects on these strawberry cultivars.
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