The sustainable building rating tool that is being developed is intended to contribute positively to sustainable construction in Portugal through the definition of a list of goals and aims, that are easily understandable by all involved in the construction market, and which are compatible with the Portuguese construction technology background. Nevertheless, there are still two important steps to fulfill before applying the methodology: the validation of the list of indicators and parameters and the assessment of the societal weights. Although the list of indicators and parameters is partially based on a framework for assessment of integrated building performance (CEN/TC 350), further work includes the method’s validation in Portugal through thematic interviews and surveys to experts in each dimension of sustainable development. The weight of each health and comfort related parameter is now being assessed through experimental works and subjective evaluations.
The uptake of sustainable building design is in its infancy. Even with the actual limitations linked to the different methods available, the widespread use of assessment methods is gradually gaining more traction in the construction sector. Globally, the urgency to turn economic growth toward sustainable development will require more efforts in the construction sector too.
References and Notes
1. Edwards, S.; Bennett,