1. Introduction
The Bacillus genus belongs to aerobic microorganisms, grampositives and saprophytic that form endospores. They grow well in a simple medium and produce hydrolytic enzymes, such as protease, mannanase and glucanase, independent of the culture medium used [1–4]. Microbial protease constitutes one of the most important groups of industrial enzymes that cater to the requirements of nearly 60% of the world enzyme market [5]. Of these, the alkaline proteases are of interest, from a biotechnological perspective, and numerous applications in the food industry (the meat tenderization process), peptide synthesis (for infant formula preparations, baking and brewing) can be found. Furthermore, they are used in pharmaceutical and medical diagnoses, in the detergent industry as additives, and in the textile industry in the process of dehairing and leather processing [6,7].