5. OSHA combustible dusts National Emphasis Program
(NEP) e CPL 03-00-008, March 11th, 2008
The purpose of this NEP is to inspect facilities that generate or
handle combustible dusts which pose a deflagration or other fire hazard when suspended in air or some other oxidizing medium
over a range of concentrations, regardless of particle size or shape.
OSHA Combustible Dusts NEP Inspection and Citation Procedures
- Assessment of the combustible dust threat to employees
B Are the dust and its associated management practices
B What is the site history of fires involving dust?
B Does the MSDS indicate a dust explosion hazard?
B Are dust accumulations hazardous?
- Collection of samples of combustible dusts for laboratory
B From high places
B From floors and equipment surfaces
B From within ductwork
- Audit of dust management practices and equipment including
dust collectors, ductwork, and other dust containers.
- Audit of room safeguards
- Audit of ignition source management