3.1. Human Health
It is evident from Fig. 8 that scenarios Sc-3 (incineration combined with composting) and Sc-1 (landfilling combined with composting) led to the highest adverse impact on the Human Health damage category with the amount of 7.0×10−4 and 6.32×10−4 disability-adjusted life years (DALY)/t waste, respectively. These findings are consistent with those of Hong et al. [30] who found the ‘incineration combined with composting’ followed by ‘landfilling combined with composting’ as the worst scenarios. What makes the scenario Sc-3 in the present study the worst is the composting process. In fact, analyzing the midpoint scores making up the Human Health damage category (Fig. 9) revealed that the impact was mainly due to the Respiratory Inorganics (RI) midpoint impact category. Fernández-Nava et al. [8] introduced the RI midpoint category as the main factor affecting the Human Health damage category. In their study, the landfilling scenario was found as the worst scenario in the Human Health damage category with the amount of 1.04×10−3 DALY/t waste. Although the applied (impact assessment) method was the same (Impact 2002+ method), possible explanations for the differences observed between the values reported herein and those of Fernández-Nava et al. [8] could be due to: 1) the fact that landfilling scenario in this study utilized the composting process while in their study landfilling was used in combination with energy recovery (biogas) and leachate treatment and 2) different waste compositions (57% organic matters in this study compared to 38% in that of Fernández-Nava et al. [8]). The latter resulted in less environmental burden caused by landfilling in this study due to this fact that the rejected MSW had negligible amounts of organic matters, moisture content, and metal composition. Moreover, the scenario Sc-3 was found worse than scenario Sc-1 due to the fact that the incineration process used in the Sc-3 contributed more damage on the Human Health damage category. This in turn was ascribed to higher effect in RI midpoint category.