The surface behavior of the natural ruby stones before and after heat treatment with metal oxide additiveslike: zinc oxide (ZnO) and lead oxide (PbO) have been studied. The surface appearance of the ruby stonesprocessed with the metal oxides changed whereas the bulk densities of the stones remained within therange of 3.9–4.0 g/cm3. The cracks healing and pores filling by the metal oxides on the surface of the rubyhave been examined using scanning electron microscopy. The chemical compositions based on the XPSsurvey scans are in good agreement with the expected composition. The phase and crystallinity of theruby stones original and heat-treated were obtained from their X-ray diffraction patterns. The changein peak separation between R1and R2– peaks in photoluminescence spectra and the contrary bindingenergy shift of the Al 2p peaks in the X-ray photoelectron spectra have been explicated. Moreover, in thiswork we describe the change in surface chemical and physical characteristics of the ruby stone beforeand after heat treatment.