Fostering a positive safety culture is fundamental and critical for improving safety performance on an
construction site.However,the complexity and evolu tionary process of safety culture in a construction pro-
ject team, which is different with other organizations,have not been well addressed and the basic model
for construction project safety culture is still missing.The objectives of this paper are:(1)to put forward a
distinct definition of construction project safety culture compared with the existing definitions of orga-
nization al safety culture,and (2)to propose aSafety Cult ure Interaction (SCI)Model,which demonstrates
the evolvement of construction project safety culture and the specificinteractive dynamism between
owner, contractor and subcontractors in aproject team as atemporary organization.Amixed approach
of theoretical development and case-based development is applied.Intensive literature review on perti-
nent researches and the author’s experience are integrated in the theoretical model development to com-
prehend the chara cteristics of construction projects.Aconsulting project consists of safety climate survey
and Behavior -Based Safety (BBS)impleme ntation was conducted on two construction projects in Singa-
pore to examine the theoretical model and elaborate the features of the model as the case-base ddevel-
opment. Overall,the two-layer structure of the three constructs and the interactive dynamism of project
safety culture are add ressed in the model in consideration of the construction proce ss,management prac-
tice, organization structure of project and the complicated site environments,which elabora te the con-
cept of construction project safety culture, and provide aframew ork for safety culture study in