Partners: Roles and Responsibilities
Policy and guiding principles
As identified in the program planning process, the members of the team have
a variety of responsibilities for the student’s transitions. These members will
change, depending on the student’s strengths and needs and the identified
transition. These members can be home based, school based, and community
based and must include
• parent(s)/guardian(s)
• student (when appropriate)
• school principal or designate
• teachers involved
Other members will come from a wide spectrum of service and advocacy
providers, which may include
• school-and board-based personnel
• government and non-government agencies
• residential and recreational services providers
• health-care professionals
• advocacy organizations
The role of each participant, both in the planning process and subsequent
follow-up, is dependent upon their expertise and the range of services they
represent. Specific responsibilities of participants in implementation,
tracking, and monitoring of transition outcomes will be assigned by the
team chair (principal or designate) and recorded in the transition plan.
The responsibility for ensuring that parents/guardians are involved in
the planning process and that transition plans are developed for
students with special needs rests with the principal.
Partners: Roles and ResponsibilitiesCollaborativeconsultationPolicy and guiding principlesAs identified in the program planning process, the members of the team havea variety of responsibilities for the student’s transitions. These members willchange, depending on the student’s strengths and needs and the identifiedtransition. These members can be home based, school based, and communitybased and must include• parent(s)/guardian(s)• student (when appropriate)• school principal or designate• teachers involvedOther members will come from a wide spectrum of service and advocacyproviders, which may include• school-and board-based personnel• government and non-government agencies• residential and recreational services providers• health-care professionals• advocacy organizationsThe role of each participant, both in the planning process and subsequentfollow-up, is dependent upon their expertise and the range of services theyrepresent. Specific responsibilities of participants in implementation,tracking, and monitoring of transition outcomes will be assigned by theteam chair (principal or designate) and recorded in the transition plan.The responsibility for ensuring that parents/guardians are involved inthe planning process and that transition plans are developed forstudents with special needs rests with the principal.12TRANSITION PLANNING FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDSTHE EARLY YEARS THROUGH TO ADULT LIFE
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