A DIY garden bug spray that is easy to make and use, and really works!
Author: Jami Boys - An Oregon Cottage
Recipe type: Organic Garden Bug Spray
Yield: 12 cups
2 whole heads garlic, cloves separated and peeled
3 c. mint leaves (and stems, too - I just throw it all in now)
2 tsp. dry cayenne pepper
2 small squirts of biodegradable dishwashing liquid
Add the garlic and mint to a food processor and pulse for a few seconds.
Transfer mixture to a large pot and add the cayenne and 12c. water.
Bring to a boil; remove from heat and let sit overnight.
Strain into a couple spray bottles (or gallon garden sprayer) and add the two small squirts of dish soap.
To Use:
- shake well before each use
- this mainly repels bugs, though if they rub against it, it can kill them.
- spray all the leaves on affected plants, including the undersides - preferably on a cloudy day so as not to burn the plants.
- wait a few days to see the affect and then apply more if needed (many times I’ve only needed to do one application)