It is reasonable to assume that people are creative, but the degree of creativity is different. The Idea of
the level of student’s creative thinking has been expressed by experts, such as Gotoh (2004), and Krulik
and Rudnick (1999). The perspective of the mathematics creative thinking refers to a combination of
logical and divergent thinking which is based on intuition but has a conscious aim. The divergent
thinking is focused on flexibility, fluency, and novelty in the mathematical problem solving and problem
posing (Silver, 1997). Students have various backgrounds and different abilities. They possess different
potential in thinking pattern, imagination, fantasy and performance. Therefore, students have a different
level of creative thinking. This research used qualitative approach which aims to describe the
characteristic of the level of student’s creative thinking in mathematics. The task-based interview was
conducted to collect data from the 8th grade students of junior secondary school. Snowball method was
used to determine subject research. Finally, there were nine students from junior secondary school of
“SMP Negeri 6 Sidoarjo” and one student from “SMP Al Hikmah” Surabaya. The result of this research
pointed out the five levels of creative thinking that are of level 0 to level 4 which has a different
characteristic. This difference is based on fluency, flexibility, and novelty in mathematical problem
solving and problem posing.