Notwithstanding these qualitative differences, these findings may point towards a model of ipseity disturbance such that some states, such as depersonalization, exist on a continuum that has schizophrenia at the extreme end. (Perhaps ipseity disturbance or depersonalization should be a domain in accord with the recent NIMH RDoc initiative.) The would however be characterized not only by a sense of passivity and alienation from aspects of self d experience, but also by a dislocation of first-person perspective such that self and other or self and world ma seem to be non-distinguishable, in which the individual self or field of consciousness takes on an inordinate significance in or ersubjective world, It does appear that chizophrenia involves self-experience that are distinctive and, perhaps, more foundational and than anything to be found in depersonalization A nose ble ohiecrian. an aftermative