Is there any other suitable? not a question that must be answered.
we choose who we love ", not" people who say yes, "
we select people that" we love ", not" a good man "who has more people with valid us
and" peace of mind "rather than" those people "into yai
?No one knows exactly what is wrong with us or each other
# life. Vested rights to use it, well worth an outstanding Editor
said, "others may live"-a simple descent "
a better way: eyes ... and listen to the sounds of" heart "
the future, may be yes or no this person.
.Which could be good or bad ก่เปน.
when I see nobody on and then going to harvest it! kaken why already happy
what is "leave it"
"love me tomorrow" to want to listen to people cry
a? Anyone here who said that. ..Why can't I enter "
love to teach a lesson there parents eyes water Don ~ important component
" pain "is with us only briefly
and ก่ได้ at least comfort myself that ... all that we own"