Based on the analysis of the patient treatment process of doctors (using Role Hierarchy Miner in “Disco” and “ProM 5.2”), we could discover a holistic model/graph representing the different role/positions (and structural functions) of the doctors in different levels of an estate governmental hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, respectively from top (i.e., doctors with the highest decision making level identified as the directors of the physicians) to down (i.e., ordinary doctors with the lowest decision making authorities dealing with the typical patients referring to the hospital). In general, 13 different clusters of doctors (in touch and contact with 10 types of diseases/wards)
were identified and investigated. As a result, the approach proposed in this study could help the hospital administrators to better handle and improve the overall treatment process of the patients and physicians by accelerating the speed of the task performing, increasing the quality of the service work and eliminating the duplicate/redundant tasks during the healing process.