We apologize for the inconvenience of the temporary shut down of the game.
Due to short of hands, we released the Cyber Monday sale without realizing that some people can take advantage of the sale, and purchase, sell, and repurchase and sell vCredit cards.
【Some players didn't spend a penny today and purchased 3 Serendipity ships. 】
This has greatly harmed the game's balance, and has put honest players who did not exploit at disadvantage. All heavy exploiters and players who deliberately spread the hack or cheats will be banned from the game.
Therefore we will have to fix the game, and remove vCredit card purchase with vCredits forever. We will try other means for purchasing of the vCredit cards in the future.
Thank you for your understanding. Please keep your integrity, and enjoy the game. We will process this programmatically. We will not check individual accounts and lists them here unless you want us to. — กับ Monica Perez และ Timmy Martin