I feel so bad when you say things like that. I understand you though...not wanting to fight alone. You can't get another lease? Or you don't want to?
I told you I would tell you who Miss/Mrs. Right is for me so here goes. Pretty face, nice legs and big breasts.
Just joking hahaha
Yes I like a pretty face but what good is that if she is ugly on the inside, right? Miss Right, to me, is someone that is serious when necessary but can be silly with me at times. Someone who understands my sense of humor and I can make her laugh. She is smart and and has her own opinions but is not overly assertive and obnoxious. I'm pretty laid-back and would like her to be as well. Of course she must be family-oriented and enjoy hanging out with my family (mom, brothers and sisters). They such a big part of my and my kids' lives. She is someone who I absolutely just love being with and she feels the same about me. Also, she should love the physical part of a good relationship. I am very affectionate and love the kissing, massaging, holding, touching and sexual aspect of a healthy, monogamous relationship.
Is that all too much to ask? hahaha