Granulate of corn cob, without containing any corn, is proposed
as an alternative organic aggregate of lightweight concrete. Generally,
corn cob is considered an agricultural waste. Using it as an
alternative to expanded clay, cork, EPS, among other possibilities
may have an interesting economic and sustainable benefit. At this
stage, the obtained experimental results indicate that corn cob
concrete processed according to a ratio of 6:1:1 (corn cob granulate:
Portland cement:water) may have acceptable material properties.
For instance, the density and the thermal performance
properties are in accordance with the respective material properties
of an expanded clay concrete. However, the studied corn cob
concrete has shown low compression strength when compared to the expanded clay concrete. Aspects related to the granulometry
of the corn cob particles, the ratio of components and the curing
time may justify the above vulnerability. Nevertheless it may be
suitable for non-structural application purposes, such as pavement
regularization layers. Further research will be carried out to solve
the above mentioned low concrete strength.
Granulate of corn cob, without containing any corn, is proposedas an alternative organic aggregate of lightweight concrete. Generally,corn cob is considered an agricultural waste. Using it as analternative to expanded clay, cork, EPS, among other possibilitiesmay have an interesting economic and sustainable benefit. At thisstage, the obtained experimental results indicate that corn cobconcrete processed according to a ratio of 6:1:1 (corn cob granulate:Portland cement:water) may have acceptable material properties.For instance, the density and the thermal performanceproperties are in accordance with the respective material propertiesof an expanded clay concrete. However, the studied corn cobconcrete has shown low compression strength when compared to the expanded clay concrete. Aspects related to the granulometryof the corn cob particles, the ratio of components and the curingtime may justify the above vulnerability. Nevertheless it may besuitable for non-structural application purposes, such as pavementregularization layers. Further research will be carried out to solvethe above mentioned low concrete strength.
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