Mars is now quite lonely in the sign of Scorpio, where it is responsible for your assertiveness. If you wait a bit (too long), Mars can have an abrupt and vehement effect. Then you will suddenly say very clearly what this involves for you and how you imagine your ideas will be realized. This could happen on Wednesday when the Moon wanders over Uranus. Or on Friday when the Moon wanders over Mercury and stands in opposition to Mars soon thereafter. On Friday, it could also be possible that you simply take action - without even asking for anything or having to explain something. You are coming to a point where everything has already been said. Anyone who has not yet grasped what this really involves for you has missed out on the lesson and will learn it the hard way precisely because of this.
Partnership / Love:
Mars also attracts attention when it comes to love as it apparently wanders around uncontrollably in the sign of Scorpio while Venus feels a strong pressure to adapt. A role reversal could happen now: The underdog suddenly becomes the stronger person. When a situation flips into its opposite, some things must have gone wrong or been too one-sided before. The goal is achieving equilibrium.