Beauveria bassiana produced from solid medium using the optimized decanter cake and liquid medium using biohydrogen effluent was stored under temperature of 4±2 and 30±2 0C to evaluate its viability based on spore germination percentage (SGP) in the laboratory interval 10 days for 90 days. The findings showed that
B. bassiana produced from solid medium and stored under temperature of 4±2 0C gave the SGP reduction from 76.10 % to 34.50 % (average reduction: 0.46 % per day) while these spores which were stored under temperature of 30±2 0C gave the SGP reduction from 76.20 % to 32.00 % (average reduction: 0.49 % per day). In addition,
B. bassiana produced from liquid medium using biohydrogen effluent was stored under temperature of 4±2 0C gave the SGP reduction from 75.50 % to 31.00 % (average reduction: 0.49 % per day) and its storage under 30±2 0C gave the SGP reduction 74.50 % to 27.00 % (average reduction: 0.53 % per day). This result indicated that
B. bassiana which was produced from solid medium and stored under temperature of 4±2 0C exhibited higher fungal viability than produced from liquid medium and stored under temperature of 30±2 0C by 1.15 folds.