„She fainted.” Yun Che said. The Hua Minghai whole body shivers, the tooth bites, the tears that will go all out to contain will soon be spewing out tightly, he has turned away, both hands will grab the head, painful [say / way]: „I know that her these years painful, died, how to her instead is extrication however however I can look helplessly she forever leaves me to go”
This is a brutal and helpless choice, which regardless of chooses, is right, is the wrong this feeling, has not experienced personally the human, will never understand.” Yun Che sighed the sound track, then a tonality revolution: „But, because has run into me, your choice and insists is right.”
Hua Minghai looked up all of a sudden to him.
Yun Che has turned around, looks straight ahead his eye saying: „Your wife's disease symptom, I looked at several moment ago, has understood approximately. You defend outside, do not make anybody enter here, only if I make noise, you may not come. You should also know, when is the dangerous condition, the treatment cannot receive on to exceed any disturbs.”