Come to know the set.
In the daily life. We have seen and are familiar with the allocation of things that look alike. The bulk is the same Or it may be different but some aspects together, which we used words Such as the faculty (teachers, ministers), crowd (monkey, birds, fish), groups (politicians, maid), etc.
set is undefined. Don't give the word remember the definition.
In mathematics, we use the word "set" one word only to discuss a group of things and is used in the case of certainly know nothing in the group and the thing is not among the discussed.
Come to know the set.In the daily life. We have seen and are familiar with the allocation of things that look alike. The bulk is the same Or it may be different but some aspects together, which we used words Such as the faculty (teachers, ministers), crowd (monkey, birds, fish), groups (politicians, maid), etc.set is undefined. Don't give the word remember the definition.In mathematics, we use the word "set" one word only to discuss a group of things and is used in the case of certainly know nothing in the group and the thing is not among the discussed.
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