It is impossible in advance to determine the total amount of fees and costs needed to complete this matter. You have agreed to pay an hourly fee of $250/hour with a minimum attorney fee of $4,500.00. You have agreed to an initial down payment of $1,000.00 with monthly $500.00 payments beginning January 15,2016. This initial payment of $1,000.00 will be tracked against our monthly statements for hourly fees and costs as billed to you for each Stage of the process.
The minimum attorney fee will be placed in our Trust Account until it is earned. Attorney fees are considered "earned" when billed for. Trust Account money is Client's money, but Client hereby agrees that the Attorney can draw on the money for costs and expenses, and unpaid attorney fees. The status of the Trust Account money, including draws and balance, will be provided to Client in the monthly billing. Minimum attorney fees are fully earned upon the completion of each Step.