The nanosampler consists of a four-stage impactor and an inertial filter providing five particle size fractions,
namely, >10 m, 2.5-10 m, 1-2.5 m, 0.07-1 m and less than 0.07 m. Nanoparticles and particle-bound
PAHs were discussed in relation to particles with size down to nano-scale range and sampling area. The
sampling was conducted for two months at each station from November 2008 until May 2009. The nanosampler
was co-located with a high-volume sampler and an eight-stage cascade impactor at the background area and the
data were compared with automatic PM10 samplers (taper element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) and beta
ray type) at the air quality monitoring stations of Thailand pollution control department (PCD) in roadside area
and mixed area.