In the present study, 12-week OVX rats were employed as the
disease model to evaluate the therapeutic as well as prophylactic effect of C. comosa treatment. At
12 weeks after surgery, the average uterine weight of the OVX rats was markedly decreased compared
to that of the SHAM control rats. Treatment of the OVX rats with any of the C. comosa components
(DPHD, extract and powder) or E2 caused the average uterine weights of the OVX rats to revert to
that of the SHAM control group. The changes in the OVX rats including the body weight gain,
hyperlipidemia and bone loss (data not shown), and the improvement of these conditions after
treatment were all consistent with those described earlier
(Prasannarong et al., 2012; Tantikanlayaporn et al., 2013b).