(IBL) approaches might be more effective in helping students to acquire scientific process skills. When engaging in
inquiry, students describe objects and events, ask questions, construct explanations, test those explanations against
current scientific knowledge, and share their ideas with others. They identify their assumptions, use critical and
logical thinking, and consider alternative explanations. In this way, students actively develop their understanding of
science by combining scientific knowledge with reasoning and thinking skills (NRC, 1996). Scientific experiments
are, by nature, inquiry-based activities; students must learn to propose hypotheses, design experiments, and select
appropriate materials (Correiro, Griffin & Hart, 2008). All of these activities will certainly contribute to not only
students’ scientific inquiry skills but also their understanding of science concepts. Hofstein & Lunetta (2004) add to
this list by emphasizing the central role played by the science laboratory in contributing to students’ perception of
science and attitudes by stimulating interest and enjoyment, and motivating students to learn science.