Please send us the accomplished form of the selection table and application statistics. Kindly make sure that the documents are complete before sending them out. Below is a copy of the email sent in January 30 regarding selection requirements.
Taking this opportunity, let me just remind you that in the selection of candidates for the ADB-JSP, the institutions should strictly follow the selection criteria for the ADB-JSP as specified in the ADB-JSP Implementing Guidelines (Appendix 3). ADB-JSP should achieve a balanced nationality distribution in the overall Program as well as in the institution. In submitting the applications for the ADB-JSP, the number of candidates may be double the number of vacant slots with the institution’s priority.
· Documents to be submitted to ADB for each applicant.
Please submit hard copies of the documents in this order (listed below):
a. ADB-JSP Information Sheet (Appendix 4). The information sheet can also be downloaded in the ADB-JSP website:
b. Copies of the University Application Form
c. Certificate of Annual Income of the Applicant. (i.e. latest Income Tax Return or Certificate of Annual Income/Monthly Income whichever is available, show computation of conversion in US$)
d. Certificate of Family Income (Parents' Income if Single or Spouse Income if Married, please also show computation of conversion to US$. If status is unemployed, retired, deceased, kindly send copies of authenticated supporting documents)
You may use the Income Conversion form to show computation to US$. (Appendix 5)
e. Academic Records such as copy of Diploma and Transcripts
· Other requirements to be submitted in soft copies in Selection process.
a. Selection table (Appendix 6) Please check the attached sample selection form.xls on how to fill up the selection table properly (Appendix 7). Please retain the table format of the selection form.
b. Statistics of ADB-JSP Application (Appendix 8)
c. The ADB-JSP Authorities also require a supporting document on how the university ranked the candidates from top to least priority. Kindly explain or give score/weight to the criteria used in selecting candidates. See sample (Appendix 9).
· Incomplete submissions of requirements may cause delay of processing the selection of scholars. We would prefer that Selection documents should be submitted to ADB at least 2 months before the deadline.
· Please require all selected scholars to sign the ADB-JSP Acceptance Forms (Appendix 10)