Bhutan having achieved impressive progress in prevention and control of malaria cases over
last decades, the country is progressing into achieving zero indigenous malaria cases by
2018 while being watchful on preventing the possibility of reintroduction of the malaria
cases. The progress was escalated with additional funding support from the past Global
Fund Rounds (4,7 & TFM) and imperative success were noticed in vector control and
surveillance initiatives through drastic reduction in the annual parasitic incidence.
Accordingly, guided by the principles of the documented best practices across the world and
within the region, the Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme under the Department of
Public Health has drafted the first National Strategic Plan (NSP) in 2008 and subsequently
revised in 2012. As Bhutan is moving from ‘control’ to elimination phase of the malaria
control initiatives, the joint monitoring mission conducted in 2013 has recommended for the
revision of the current NSP.
Hence, the current NSP was