I enjoyed the movie, particularly the cinematography and performances by the two leads, although I had a few problems with it. I thought Chris Pine was miscasted and would have preferred a better character actor for Caleb. I felt like I was watching Chris Pine pretending to be the character wearing makeup and shit. He just wasn't believable as a country person. I also thought Margot Robbie, while I love looking at her, was too distractingly pretty for someone who was living in a post-apocalyptic world. She looked like a super model not a farmer, should have had her look more plain somehow. Lastly, I thought the ambiguous ending was anticlimactic and a cop-out. I understand why they did it that way, but I think the story would have been stronger if they had just let the audience see John's choice play out and let us judge him for it rather than disrupt the flow of the movie and use a gimmick. That would have been a lot more satisfying to watch and it would have provided proper closure, instead we got a meandering, unfocused ending. Oh well.