There is a growing interest in the role of complementary
and alternative medicine in maintaining health
and preventing diseases.Phytogenic feed additives as
antioxidant substances are the subject of intense debate.
Special attention has focused on verbascoside, which
has been repeatedly shown to be a potent antioxidant
in healthy animals (Corino et al., 2007; Casamassima
et al., 2013; Di Giancamillo et al., 2013; Rossi et al.,
2013a). In summary, we examined the effects of n-6
PUFA high dosage diet and verbascoside supplementation
on blood and liver oxidative status in piglets. Our
data showed that the n-6 PUFA high dosage diet increases
blood and liver oxidative stress markers without
stimulating Kupffer and Ito cell activation. The
amount of dietary verbascoside is able to modulates
oxidative damage in the piglets liver without affect the
systemic responses to oxidative stress.