Have Parents Fill Out an Enrollment Questionnaire
An enrollment questionnaire is a useful tool for learning about a child’s development, background, interests, and habits. Its purpose is to introduce the child to his teachers. Families can fill out the form themselves; of it can be used as part of an enrollment interview. A follow-up meeting can give the parents an opportunity to talk further about concerns or expectations they might have about their child prior to enrollment.
Build Bridges with the Family as Well as with the Child
Make a special effort to get to know families who may be isolated because they are new to the community, speak a language different from yours, have a child with a special need, work long hours, or face transportation challenges. Introduce these parents to others who may share their interests, back-grounds, or circumstances. Also make special efforts to reach out to fathers and noncustodial parents who are involve in the child’s life.
For every family, the process of enrolling a child in a child care center or home provides many opportunities to build bridges and strengthen relationships.