The problems stem from a total lack of communication at AVC. The failure to communicate has existed for years and exists between all levels of management.
Top management did not adequately plan for the IS upgrade and did not involve non-IS employees in the process. In addition, through lack of direction or control, top management has allowed the IS group to change not only information systems but also operating systems and procedures without operating management approval. Further, there appears to be a lack of concern by IS over the problems the new systems have created for operating management. A new computer system was purchased and a new IS team was hired; however, top management failed to win the confidence of current operating management who are accustomed to a more decentralized approach.
Communication problems continued during the systems design phase. The IS group failed to involve operating management in systems changes and apparently operating management failed to communicate their interest in being involved. As managers in a decentralized atmosphere they could have forced IS to communicate but they chose to ignore the problem. Therefore, the failure to communicate properly can be traced to both the IS and user groups. This problem was worsened by top management not adequately planning the conversion process and their failure to perceive the potential problems between IS and operating management.
The new systems are now complete. Operating management realizes that there has been a centralization of decision-making and a loss of operating flexibility resulting in employee morale problems. Yet, they are still unable or unwilling to communicate with top management, who continue to be unaware of operating problems with the new IS system.