my day was good i wokeup at 5:27AM finally i love wakeing up early then i had a bowl of cereal、 brushed my teeth、 then went to school. When i arrived at school i went to the cafeteria where i always go every morning, sat with my friend steven, ate breakfast again because i eat breakfast twice a day. Then i went to my first block which is biology, i had a sub today she was an asian lady named Mrs Sing. Then i got to my second class which is PE, we walked three laps around the track. Then in my next class which is weightlifting i had to do squats, it got pretty heavy last class we just went over some questions and got to draw. After school i went to workout with the ARMY, but they said it was too hot (it wasant hot in my opinion) so i came home, ate dinner, and brushed my teeth then i wanted to talk with you im going to study japanese later.