Can I have immunisations while taking steroids?
You should not be immunised with ‘live’ vaccines such as ‘rubella’ (German measles) if you
are taking steroids. However, in certain situations a live vaccine may be indicated (for
example rubella immunisation in women of childbearing age). In this case your doctor will
discuss the possible risks and benefits of the immunisation with you. Pneumovax® (a
vaccine for pneumonia) and yearly flu vaccines are safe and recommended.
Steroid cards
Your will be given a steroid card by your doctor or pharmacist. You should carry this with you
at all times. This is in order to make sure that if you need any emergency medical treatment
that the doctor or nurse treating you knows you take steroids. You may need higher doses
for a short time while you are ill.
What about pregnancy?
If you are planning on having a baby please seek the advice of your doctor well in advance
so they can we discuss how best to manage your myasthenia gravis during your pregnancy.
It is possible to take steroids during pregnancy, but the risks of doing so will have to be
carefully balanced against the benefits. If you become pregnant while taking steroids contact
your doctor immediately.
What about breastfeeding?
You may be able to breastfeed if you are taking steroids, but you will need to discuss this
with your doctor.
Can I drink alcohol with steroids?
There is no particular reason for you to avoid alcohol completely; however you should not
exceed the recommended daily units