Let us denote the wave number spectrum by F (k; x; t). It gives the distribution of wave variance over wavenumber k. In addition, it is assumed that the wave spectrum is a slowly varying function of position x and time t. Here, slow has a relative meaning; it refers to the basic length and time scale imposed by the waves, namely their typical wavelength and period. Thus, the spectrum is supposed to vary slowly in space and time compared to the basic wave length and period of the waves (in physics this is usually referred to as the geometrical optics approximation). In slowly varying circumstances, as induced by varying environmental conditions caused by currents U(x; t) and depth D(x), it is well known [22] that wave action is an adiabatic invariant, and not wave energy. Therefore, in wave forecasting the fundamental quantity to predict is the action density spectrum N(k; x; t). It is defined as