This thesis begins with the premise that strategies are important if students are to
learn effectively, and that this applies no less to language than to any other field of
learning. After issues of terminology and definition are addressed, there is a
discussion of the theoretical underpinnings of the language learning strategy concept.
Since the concept of proficiency is also central to the thesis, issues relating to the
definition and assessment of proficiency are considered before previous research in
the language learning strategy field is reviewed.
This research was carried out in three stages in a private language school in Auckland,
New Zealand. Part A, Section 1 used the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning
(SILL) (Oxford, 1990) as the basic instrument to investigate the relationship between
language learning strategies and proficiency and to examine the strategy patterns used
by more proficient students. Part A, Section 2 used the same data to investigate
language learning strategy use according to learner variables (nationality, gender,
age). Part B used interviews to investigate language learning strategy use by
individuals and Part C used a classroom based programme to explore means of
instructing students in language learning strategy use and also to construct an original
questionnaire using student input (the English Language Learning Strategy Inventory
or ELLSI). This questionnaire was used to further investigate the relationship between
language learning strategy use and proficiency and also changes in strategy use over
time as well as teachers’ perspectives on language learning strategy use.
The results of the SILL phase of the study revealed a significant relationship between
language learning strategies and proficiency (a finding supported by the results of the
ELLSI study) and also significant differences in strategy use according to nationality,
while the interviews revealed some useful insights regarding the use of language
learning strategies by individuals. From the longitudinal section of the study it was
found that those students who made the most progress were the ones who most
increased the frequency of their language learning strategy use. The results of the
teachers’ survey indicated that teachers regarded language learning strategies as
highly important, an encouraging result in terms of positive implications for a good
accord between teachers and students in the teaching/learning situation. The
classroom programme, however, aimed at exploring ways to promote language
learning strategy use among students, was only a lukewarm success and much work
remains to be done to find ways of making insights regarding language learning
strategies available to students.
The thesis concludes by bringing together the key findings and suggesting areas for
further research.
I would like to dedicate t
This thesis begins with the premise that strategies are important if students are tolearn effectively, and that this applies no less to language than to any other field oflearning. After issues of terminology and definition are addressed, there is adiscussion of the theoretical underpinnings of the language learning strategy concept.Since the concept of proficiency is also central to the thesis, issues relating to thedefinition and assessment of proficiency are considered before previous research inthe language learning strategy field is reviewed.This research was carried out in three stages in a private language school in Auckland,New Zealand. Part A, Section 1 used the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning(SILL) (Oxford, 1990) as the basic instrument to investigate the relationship betweenlanguage learning strategies and proficiency and to examine the strategy patterns usedby more proficient students. Part A, Section 2 used the same data to investigatelanguage learning strategy use according to learner variables (nationality, gender,age). Part B used interviews to investigate language learning strategy use byindividuals and Part C used a classroom based programme to explore means ofinstructing students in language learning strategy use and also to construct an originalquestionnaire using student input (the English Language Learning Strategy Inventoryor ELLSI). This questionnaire was used to further investigate the relationship betweenlanguage learning strategy use and proficiency and also changes in strategy use overtime as well as teachers’ perspectives on language learning strategy use.iiThe results of the SILL phase of the study revealed a significant relationship betweenlanguage learning strategies and proficiency (a finding supported by the results of theELLSI study) and also significant differences in strategy use according to nationality,while the interviews revealed some useful insights regarding the use of languagelearning strategies by individuals. From the longitudinal section of the study it wasfound that those students who made the most progress were the ones who mostincreased the frequency of their language learning strategy use. The results of theteachers’ survey indicated that teachers regarded language learning strategies ashighly important, an encouraging result in terms of positive implications for a goodaccord between teachers and students in the teaching/learning situation. Theclassroom programme, however, aimed at exploring ways to promote languagelearning strategy use among students, was only a lukewarm success and much workremains to be done to find ways of making insights regarding language learningstrategies available to students.The thesis concludes by bringing together the key findings and suggesting areas forfurther research.iiiDEDICATION I would like to dedicate t
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