Auditory discrimination and phonics manipulative incorporate text with vibrant graphics and are useful for teaching English vocabulary.
Decoding manipulative offer abundant practice applying rules as students learn English words and structure.
Scrambled sentences teach English syntax as they foster reading comprehension and fluency.
Students who have difficulty learning due to language barriers, auditory deficiencies, or behavioral issues have a much easier time stay engaged and on task when manipulative models are introduced.3.Science
To demonstrate Newton's First Law of Motion, students calculate average speed based on their observations of a rolling marble. Answers will vary depending on the distance and speed at which the marbles roll.
Using a ball and bat, students can observe Newton's Second Law of Motion by increasing the force of their swings to make the ball travel faster and farther.The concept of inertia becomes visible when students stack four or five dominoes anduse a ruler to knock the bottom domino out repeatedly until there is only one left.
A creative science teacher can demonstrate any number of scientific theories by having students bring in such things as soap, miniature toy cars, balance scales, toothpicks, modelingclay, rope, and coins.4. Social Studies/MAPEH
Geography – use of globe to find the absolute and relative location of a certain place
Music – use of musical instruments