Gaps in Current Practices
Many organizations use brainstorming to guide the
development of innovative initiatives and solutions.
As a consequence, innovation is commonly quantified
as the number of projects developed based on
these sessions. These mechanisms enable innovation;
however, the understanding of how best to foster,
support, and sustain these initiatives requires an
understanding of the art and science around innovation
and the organizational context where it occurs.7
According to Christensen et al,6 individual motivation
and ability must exist in abundance in environments
for innovation to thrive. Davila et al7 indicate that
every innovation requires the support of a manager
to survive. There is a distinction between the development
of an innovation (ie, a product) and the influence
of internal motivation, human ability and environmental
support, and a commitment to inquire.7-9 This
distinction is termed innovativeness.9
Daft9 and Davila et al7 defined innovativeness
as a social process in the work environment for the
generation, acceptance, and implementation of new
processes, products, or services for the 1st time in an
organizational setting. Calls from ICN and the IOM
will require a clearer understanding of the workplace
context and the art and science of innovativeness.
1,2,4,5 Therefore, the best approach to gain a
deeper and clearer understanding of innovativeness
Gaps in Current PracticesMany organizations use brainstorming to guide thedevelopment of innovative initiatives and solutions.As a consequence, innovation is commonly quantifiedas the number of projects developed based onthese sessions. These mechanisms enable innovation;however, the understanding of how best to foster,support, and sustain these initiatives requires anunderstanding of the art and science around innovationand the organizational context where it occurs.7According to Christensen et al,6 individual motivationand ability must exist in abundance in environmentsfor innovation to thrive. Davila et al7 indicate thatevery innovation requires the support of a managerto survive. There is a distinction between the developmentof an innovation (ie, a product) and the influenceof internal motivation, human ability and environmentalsupport, and a commitment to inquire.7-9 Thisdistinction is termed innovativeness.9Daft9 and Davila et al7 defined innovativenessas a social process in the work environment for thegeneration, acceptance, and implementation of newprocesses, products, or services for the 1st time in anorganizational setting. Calls from ICN and the IOMwill require a clearer understanding of the workplacecontext and the art and science of innovativeness.1,2,4,5 Therefore, the best approach to gain adeeper and clearer understanding of innovativeness
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