4. Discussion
In the last years, much effort has been put to develop and
optimize technologies able to render sound and safe fresh-cut
fruits, with appealing appearance and extended shelf life. However,
it has been very difficult up to the present to preserve these
products with commercial acceptability beyond a couple of weeks.
Therefore, it is necessary to test and incorporate other strategies to
increase significantly this limit in the shelf life.We have focused the
present study on the assessment of two technologies, HPP and VP,
whose application in fresh-cut fruits has been rather limited, and
the information available scarce.
4. DiscussionIn the last years, much effort has been put to develop andoptimize technologies able to render sound and safe fresh-cutfruits, with appealing appearance and extended shelf life. However,it has been very difficult up to the present to preserve theseproducts with commercial acceptability beyond a couple of weeks.Therefore, it is necessary to test and incorporate other strategies toincrease significantly this limit in the shelf life.We have focused thepresent study on the assessment of two technologies, HPP and VP,whose application in fresh-cut fruits has been rather limited, andthe information available scarce.
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