The king's father Each visit to the local people in all the time he ordered. For doctors Experts in each field from various hospitals. And are all volunteers and are equipped with medical supplies and medical equipment. To be ready to provide medical treatment for sick children immediately. In addition to his father The officer gave them out to heal the sick children in the villages are far away and still have a good project. To develop children and the nation. The unfailing such economic projects, etc. This makes this project was awarded to a different branch. Many of the countries which I have seen and it seemed that his father had before long, the water heart that I did not do anything for their children than 60 million people across the country of his father literally
from. I follow the story of the father all along, it made me realize that I had the concern of parents over 60 million people are never shown. Tiredness and Tgatai out to see even once. It made me appreciate the love of a father who was the head man in mind and I have always dreamed that I would have a once in a lifetime opportunity to worship before the feet of his father a few times.