General description of plant
Each of the Gulf JP SPP projects is based on a 2 – 2 – 1 configuration. This means
that each plant consists of 2 gas turbines, 2 HRSG’s and 1 Steam Turbine. Besides
these major components, the plant also consists of other systems to enable the
generation of electricity, the so called Balance Of Plant (BOP) systems.
The plant is designed for the production of a net power output of 110 - 120 MWe in
combination with steam export and/or chilled water export. The power output will be
mainly sold to the national grid owner EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of
Thailand) under the Small Power Projects (SPP) scheme. The power supplied to
EGAT will be exported via the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) distribution
system. As per Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for SPP projects the normal
operation of the plant is defined as steady load at 100% power export to EGAT (90
MWe) and not less than 65% power export to EGAT (58.5 MWe). 100% power
export to EGAT operation starts 8 am to 12 pm every day except for Sunday and
public holidays. The remaining time the plant is operated at not less than 65% power
export to EGAT load. The remainder of the produced power will be sold to industrial
customers in the vicinity of the power plant.