ฉั have much to tell you . However i want to know if you are willing and ready to help me smile again . To help me become somebody in the society . To give me a better life . Something has been bothering me and i have kept it to myself because i am afraid to disclose it to anyone . I am afraid of betrayal . I am afraid someone might take advantage of me if i should disclose it to anyone .
I have been praying to God to give me someone who will not betray my trust and confidence in him . Someone who will not cheat and deceive me . I am very much afraid . But if you will promise me that you will stand for me as a guardian , a friend indeed , good Samaritan then i will open up to you .
I would like to know more about you . Your real names , your likes and dislikes , your hobbies , and what you are doing presently . I will tell you more about myself in my next mail . Below is my picture .I pray to God to guide and protect you in all you are doing . Have a wonderful moment .