There are several things you should do to make your system more secure, and keep it performing better.:
•Change your file view settings on Windows systems so you will see all file extensions.
•Always run anti-virus software and keep the virus definitions updated at least twice per week.
•Never connect to the internet unless you are using a personal firewall or are behind an organizational firewall on a private network.
•Never open e-mail attachments without being sure of who sent them. Keep the following in mind: ◦E-mail addresses can be faked by virus programs.
◦New viruses may not be recognized by your anti-virus software.
•Patch your operating system regularly. This will reduce your vulnerabilities to worms and hackers. See the Applying the latest patches to your Windows 2000 Operating system to prevent viruses and worms article for more information.
•Patch your applications regularly especially Microsoft Office. See the Preventing Viruses in Microsoft Office® Products article for more information.
•Perform regular backups of your data.
•Make an emergency boot disk to enable you to restore your system in the event of file corruption or a virus that makes it unable to boot.
•Avoid installing unneeded applications and always be sure any free programs do not have a hidden purpose.