At, we appreciate the value of providing a broad selection of genuine customer experiences to you and your guests. We know that customers rely on guest reviews to validate their booking decisions, and to gain more information about your accommodation and what to expect during their stay. In order to provide even more of this valuable, relevant information to customers, we are making an adjustment to how long our guest reviews remain online.
From 1 September 2015, guest reviews will be displayed on for a total of 24 months. This is a change from our existing process, where guest reviews currently expire after 14 months. This means that any review live on the website on 1 September, as well as all reviews that come in after this date, will stay live for 2 years. For example, a review submitted on 25 August 2015 will stay online until 25 August 2017.
This update will not have any impact on your review score, and reviews that have already expired will remain so. Displaying reviews longer means you have extra unique content available online about your accommodation, and a more solid base of reviews on which your overall review score is based.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can reply to any review with a comment by accessing the reviews section of your Extranet. Simply click Reply on the review of your choice. It’s an opportunity for you to interact with guests that are sharing their experience, and provide your own perspective.
Thank you for your continued partnership, and the work you do on a daily basis to create unique and incredible experiences for guests