Catalytic deep oxidation of ethyl acetate and n-hexane was carried
out in a continus-flow fixed-bed quartz microreactor (i.d. 6 mm) at a
high space velocity (SV) of 120,000 mL g−1 h−1. Typically, the catalyst
(50 mg, 40–60 mesh) mixed with 300 mg of quartz sands (40–
60 mesh) were loaded in the quartz reactor with quartz wool packed
at both ends of the catalyst bed and the reactant gas was composed of
1000 ppm gaseous VOCs in air (100 mL min−1). The concentration of
ethyl acetate (or n-hexane) was analyzed using a gas chromatograph
(Shimadzu GC-2014) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID)
and the product CO2 in the outlet gas was detected by another FID
with a conversion furnace for converting CO2 to CH4. In each run, the
balance of carbonwas above 99.5%. Considering thewater vapor's effect
on the catalytic activity of the mixed Mn5Co5 catalyst, the on-stream
VOC oxidation experiments were carried out in the presence and
absence of 1.5 vol.% water vapor at a certain temperature.