Hospitals are mainly bureaucratic organizations and use bureaucratic principles. A principle of bureaucratic organization that applies effectively to hospitals is the grouping of individual positions and clusters of positions into a hierarchy or pyramid. Another effective principle of hospital organization is the consistent system of rules. Hospital rules are really guidelines or official boundaries for actions within the hospital. Examples of such rules include the set of personnel policies outlined in the personnel handbook or written nursing procedures for the care of patients in each nursing unit. Hospitals also use the principle of span of control very effectively. Under the concept of span of control, there is a limit to the number of persons a manager can effectively supervise. In a hospital a span of Control of between five and ten people in a given functional area is normal to achieve operational effectiveness. This is especially true in classical functional areas such as housekeeping. Dietary, and nursing. There is the division and specialization of labor in hospitals also. Specialization refers to the ways a hospital organizes to identify specific tasks and assign ajob description to each person.For example. a nurse’s aide has a specific task to perform that is different from that of a physician. a registered nurse. or a medical technologist.