Respiratory complaints such as dyspnea and recurrent respiration
are commonly seen in children with cardiac or vascular abnormalities.
In children with persistent recurrent respiratory distress, unexplained
atelectasis, or extubation failure, the possibility of airway compression
should be strongly suspected [13-16]. In this study, the findings
imply that the location of tracheobronchial compression caused by
tortuous and dilated large and medium-sized thoracic arteries can
be very different. It showed that tracheal especially upper tracheal
compression was almost caused by lesions of ascending aorta, aortic
arch, brachiocephalic artery and main pulmonary artery whereas
obstruction of the left main bronchus was mainly caused by lesions of
the left pulmonary artery, aorta. There were no cases of obstruction of
the right main bronchus in this study, but it could be caused by dilated
main pulmonary artery and right pulmonary artery. Although feeding
difficulty was not found in this study either, it may be found in patients
with co-existing esophageal compression while the large and mediumsized
thoracic arteries dilated enough , as some studies have noted [15].
DiscussionRespiratory complaints such as dyspnea and recurrent respirationare commonly seen in children with cardiac or vascular abnormalities.In children with persistent recurrent respiratory distress, unexplainedatelectasis, or extubation failure, the possibility of airway compressionshould be strongly suspected [13-16]. In this study, the findingsimply that the location of tracheobronchial compression caused bytortuous and dilated large and medium-sized thoracic arteries canbe very different. It showed that tracheal especially upper trachealcompression was almost caused by lesions of ascending aorta, aorticarch, brachiocephalic artery and main pulmonary artery whereasobstruction of the left main bronchus was mainly caused by lesions ofthe left pulmonary artery, aorta. There were no cases of obstruction ofthe right main bronchus in this study, but it could be caused by dilatedmain pulmonary artery and right pulmonary artery. Although feedingdifficulty was not found in this study either, it may be found in patientswith co-existing esophageal compression while the large and mediumsizedthoracic arteries dilated enough , as some studies have noted [15].
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