Dear Valentin,Tam and Hien ,
I would like to ask your strong support for these 4 draft documents as follow:-
1.Invoice / packing list
2.CO Form D
4.Phytosanity certificate or Production process
all of you can do it by thru electronic. Once the shipment is done you just submit the form that we confirm.
This is very important because if your draft documents are wrong even small parts i.e. wrong name, wrong consignee's name
and address, product details, etc… we cannot use FTA benefits at all.
As you know that,CFR Import team have to do the shortest process to delivery these 2 shipments to CFR DC as fast as we can,
because CFR DC need 2 days for check , receiving and allocate to CFH 10 stores.
Hope that you all will understand and support to CFR