Audits of design
Associated with the topic of design standards is the question of whether the company has the resources or knows how to use the resources necessary to achieve the standards which have been set. From time to time, senior management must review design activates to ensure that design objectives and standards are being maintained. The idea of a design audit may seem distasteful to some managers but there is no reason why this should be so. Providing the purpose of the audit is made clear – to check out design directions, resources and results, rather than personal effort or perform- acne- the three should be no adverse reaction. Indeed this is a task which should be out jointly by top management and staff at the project level.Osola recommends on the basis of the experience that knowledge-able outsiders should also be in the process, on the grounds that the insiders may lack objectivity or breath of information .situations may be envisaged where this would not be practical (perhaps for security reasons) although this might be an ideal activity in which to involve nonexecutive directors. The essential requirement is that the following basic question are tacked